Wedding Plastwood sign

Plastwood signs are a great choice for wedding signage because they are

Photo Print with Frame

Durable: They can withstand the elements, making them perfect for outdoor weddings.
Affordable: They are less expensive than other types of signage, such as wood or metal.What photo are you thinking of printing? Is it a portrait, landscape, group shot, or something else? Knowing the subject will help suggest frame styles and sizes.

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Lightweight: They are easy to hang and transport.
Here are some ideas for using plastwood signs in your wedding:
Welcome sign: Greet your guests with a personalized welcome sign at the entrance to your ceremony or reception venue.
Directional signs: Help your guests find their way around with signs for the ceremony, reception, restrooms, and other important locations.
Seating chart: Display your seating chart on a large plastwood sign so that guests can easily find their assigned tables.
Photo booth sign: Create a fun photo booth backdrop with a plastwood sign that says “Mr. & Mrs.” or another personalized message.
Guest book sign: Encourage your guests to leave you a message in your guest book with a plastwood sign that says “Guest Book.”